
Cycling for 400 miles and kayaking for 125 miles, in just two weeks, would be an exhausting thing for most people to do. But imagine doing it with only one arm and no legs. That, stagge...
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Tatler - "Style for Soldiers Summer Party, 2013."
Strapping boys in immaculate uniforms and shiny buttons joined a glamorous fashion-y crowd for Emma Willis and Lisa Armstrong's Style for Soldiers summer party at the Cavalry and Guards Club. Davi...
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Style for Soldiers: 2013 - Mr Porter
Photography by Mr Boo George Styling by Mr Dan May, Style Director, MR PORTER Words by Mr Chris Elvidge, Senior Copywriter, MR PORTER Headley Court, the medical rehabilitation...
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STYLE FOR SOLDIERS: 2014 - Mr Porter
By providing bespoke shirts and an invaluable support network, Ms Emma Willis is helping injured British servicemen find an answer to that difficult question: “What next?” Photography b...
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Drapers - "Emma Willis started her Style for Soldiers Charity..."
Emma Willis started her Style for Soldiers charity, whereby she provides bespoke shirts for injured servicemen from Iraq and Afghanistan. Since launching in 2008, she now has both Huntsman and Ma...
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The Financial Times - "Emma Willis, maker of princely shirts, modifies them for wounded soldiers."
But Ms Willis’s clothes are not only reserved for princes and presidents, she dresses soldiers, too. She brings two of them back from her lunch to meet me. They are linked with her charity Style f...
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by Charles Moore Despite the changes in attitude to disability, too many disabled people still have to make do with low-grade clothes. Some of this derives from the demoralising idea that disabili...
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Tatler - "Style for Soldiers Private Dinner at Le Caprice."
To Le Caprice, where Emma Willis gathered some pals together for her charity, Style for Soldiers. Camilla Rutherford and Yasmin Mills did a pre-dinner round or three at the bar and were suitably f...
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Winston Churchill was touring a part of London which had been severely bombed the night before. Seeing an old Cockney women in good spirits, he asked whether she had suffered much from l...
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